Sunday, 30 September 2012

Questionnaire results

Questionnaire results

If any of these are your favorite could you please explain why?

1. Sherlock Holmes is my favorite because it isn't like other films in the crime genre and that Sherlock Holmes has a power of deduction which aids him in solving his crimes.
2. Bones is my favorite because I like how they go about solving the murders and the different murders which are in the show.
3. Sherlock Holmes is my favorite because the detective (Sherlock Holmes) is unique in that he has his own methods of solving murders with of course the aid of Dr. Watson
4. CSI Miami is my favorite because I enjoy watching the scenes where they show the murder happening and then instantly cutting to the crime scene.

What I have learnt from this.

What I have learnt from my questionnaire is that people are looking for new and upcoming crime shows because as you can see peoples favorite show/film is Sherlock Holmes and Bones and they are both rather recent I have also learnt that people like the unique ways in which some of the detectives in these shows go about solving the crimes for example Sherlock Holmes and his power of deduction, and also that showing the murder and then cutting to the crime scene or the detective might give more excitement to the audience and so I will do this in my trailer.

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