Thursday, 20 September 2012

Target audience.

The age of my target audience will be between 18 and 28 and this is because the scenes within the film will be violent so the audience can't be lower than a 15 because I think the film will be a certificate 15 and I have chosen 28 because I think that people will still watch this type of film even as they get older because the film will be mature. I have set my lowest target audience at a 18 instead of a 15 because from my research on the web many people said the target audience for the crime law and CSI genre were generally older and around the 18 bracket, and I agree with this because when I was 15 I didn't enjoy watching CSI, law and crime shows/movies but the certificate 15 will remain the same because even though I am targeting at the 18s I don't think my film will be violent enough to push it to a 18 and also having at a 15 will attract more customers. 

The gender in which my film is mainly targeting is males because the film will include a mainly male cast and will also include a lot of fighting scenes which from my research a lot of women get bored of during films, there will also be a deep story line which creates sympathy for the main character which might attract a female audience as well. 

My web research.

I furthered my research onto the web to find out more into the people which watch the CSI genre and the source which I used was The Guardian: TV ratings, and in the article I read it said that CSI the first episode of the ninth series got 3.9 million viewers taking a 16% audience share, so doing this research into the CSI genre really helps me to see that there are still a lot of people which watch this type of genre as 3.9 million people all watching just one episode is a lot this would also mean that they would of had a wide variety of audience because the episode was on at 8:05 so a lot of the audience may have been elderly, also from another source which isn't very reliable and just a persons thoughts (Yahoo Answers) said that the target audience was people between 18 and 35 and in doing this I think I will change the target audience I am trying to reach as I think fifteen is a bit low and people do still watch when they are past 25.

Socio Economic Classification

The target audience in which I am targeting will be a from C all the way down to E2 because I am targeting at a wide variety of audience and I believe this is the film that no matter what your status is you will still enjoy, I didn't include A and B because I thought that they may not be into the action scenes with murder and that it would make them bored so if I were to target at audiences such as students then I will attract a lot more customers.

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