Monday, 28 January 2013

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage?

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage? 

While Planning and researching I used many programmes such as:

  • When doing research for the genre of my film which I wanted to make I had to use the internet and I watched videos from sites such as YouTube and I also used Google a lot as it's my main browser so media technologies in this sense helped me to find the information that I needed so that I knew what to expect from within my genre which I was doing. Google also helped because I needed to get images of posters and of magazines from real media texts so that I could analyse them and get ideas from them, so Google helped me to get the images and the information I needed.
  • TV also helped when making my project because on the TV you see a lot of trailers from new releasing films and this helped me to plan my project because I wrote down key things which trailers had in common which were things such as fast paced shots and little to non dialogue. I also found a great deal of trailers through the site You Tube.
  • Blogger also helped a lot to show my research because it allowed me to write about the information I got and also to plan about it it allowed me to do so much more with techniques like adding images so that I could talk about them on my blog, I also used Blogger like a diary where I would constantly update when I had an idea that was relevant to my project.
  • Microsoft office word also helped a lot with my research because it meant that I could do my questionnaire on it then print it out easily and pass it out to people I also used Word for getting screen grabs from my project so that I could use it in my Magazine front cover and poster so that aided me a great deal.


  • In the construction process I used a computer which the school had which was used because it had all of the software which I need to edit with such as Corel video studio X5, to do the film I got given a camera which could shoot the film in HD which was a nice bonus and I also got a tripod and the tripod was very essential for getting my shots steady and it also aided in some of the tracking shots which I had within my trailer and after I got the footage I would upload it onto the computer and edit it using Corel Video Studio X5 which was very easy to use and didn't take long to get the hang of. I also used Photoshop during the construction process because I needed to manipulate images for my poster and magazine front cover. During the construction I also used a programme called Adobe After effects which from my trailer you can see I made the titles at the start using it.

Corel Video Studio X5

This is the editing software which I used as you can see it's easy to use and you can easily cut pieces of film and stick them together with other pieces, it's also good in the fact that you can add effects so that the transition of one shot to another is smooth, so Corel aided me greatly in the construction process of my film trailer. As you can see from this screen shot in which I took from my trailer editing process you can see many other functions which Corel has to offer such as being able to add music over your project which I used (can be shown by the purple bars in the screen shot), you can add effects, text (which I also used) and also voice overs and so there are many ways in which you can get creative with Corel as there is much you can do.


  • For my evaluation I used a website called Prezi which I thought would make the answering of the question look more fancy as it takes you on a journey of how I went about answering that question also in my evaluation I have used images which have been taken from Google so again Google has had a big role to play in the way I have brought my entire project together and made all of this possible.

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