Monday, 26 November 2012

Music choice in my trailer + final genre choice

One of the main elements of my film trailer will be the sound included, I have been doing a lot of research and previously said I was going to use Lux Aeterna By Clint Mansell  but I have now decided that instead of using a song I will be using a droning sound or a sound similar to the one at the end of the Prometheus trailer and I will use this to break up the shots for example each time the drone comes in a new shot will also come in, I will also use the sound because it makes the audience feel uncomfortable and this would also create tension that something bad is going to happen which is the effect I want to create because in the trailer you won't be able to know who the killer is or why it was done.

Also I have decided that instead of doing a thriller I am going to make my film into a psychological horror and I made this choice because when filming I noticed that the film would look a lot better if we didn't see the killer and just put in shots to show the killer is following the victim without actually having to see the killer and this creates a lot of tension so by doing this and having the droning noise my trailer will create a lot of tension and make people want to watch the whole film.

By doing this post it has helped me to clarify the idea in which I am doing because now I know what I will be doing and putting into my trailer, and this is also good because I have slightly changed the way my trailer will be done before I have actually gone ahead and done it.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Film storyboard.

Film Storyboard

In this post I will be showing my ideas for my film as a photo storyboard and going over the different shots used  and why I have decided to use those shots, I will also go over the music used in my film and why I have decided to use it.

In this first shot I have taken a medium shot to show that the character is walking to somewhere I have also used this type of shot so that you can see the surroundings around the character and see that the path is in a discrete location.

My next shot is of my actress pulling out a phone and then the shot cuts to the the phone and we see that she is listening to music, we used these shots to show that she is listening to music which is making her unaware of the noises in her surroundings.

In my next shot you can see a shot of a pair of feet walking by which is then followed up with a second pair of feet going past which tells the audience that there is someone behind the character and it adds suspense to the film and this shot is a close-up so that you can clearly see that there are two pairs of feet walking past.

My next shot is a tracking shot where it gives the audience the impression that we are the killer following the victim as we are walking behind the character.

The next shot is a long shot and we see the actress looking back, we used this shot to show that the actress has noticed that someone is following her and then we see her picking up the pace.

The next shot is a high angle shot where we see the actress running past and looking behind her, we used this shot to add a sinister feel to the sequence in that it looks like it's almost the killer looking down on her also a high angle shot was used because it makes the actress look weak and vulnerable.

The next shots are of the actress running into the woods which is done by a series of medium shots and close-ups of the feet to show that the killer is still following her and to see that she is still running into the woods.

The final shot we used in the woods scene was a point of view shot (P.O.V) and in this shot we see the actress looking behind her then looking back infront then being hit by a stick, we used this shot to show that the killer has finally got her and it also adds a sinister effect because when she looks back the killer isn't there. So throughout the sequence we don't see the killer which adds mystery to the film as we want to find out who the killer is.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Stuart Halls Theory

Stuart Hall
Stuart Hall is a cultural theorist and sociologist who has lived and worked within the united kingdom.
Stuart hall looked at the role of audience positioning in the interpretation of mass media texts by different social groups.  Hall came up with a model suggesting three ways in which we may read a media text.
There are the three ways Hall believed people interpreted media texts.

Dominant reading

Reader fully accepts the preferred reading (audience will read the texts the way the author intended them to). So that the code seems natural and transparent.

The negotiated reading

The reader partly accepts the code and broadly accepts the preferred reading, but sometimes modifies it in a way which reflects their own position, experiences and interests.

The oppositional reading

The readers social positioning places them in a oppositional relation to the dominant code, they reject the reading.

Doing this research has shown me that people can see a media text in different ways and people can read media texts differently to others.

Claude Lévi-Strauss' Theory

Claude Lévi-Strauss

Was a French anthropologist and ethnologist and has been called "the father of modern anthropology. His theory was about films being based around two opposites for example cowboys vs indians and the good vs the bad and Claude belived that narratives are aranged around the conflict of binary opposites.

Examples of Binary opposites.
  • Good vs Evil                                                                   
  • Black vs White
  • Boy vs Girl
  • Peace vs War Civilised vs Savage
  • Democaracy vs Dictatorship
  • First world vs Third World
  • Domestic vs Foreign/Alien
  • Articulate vs Inarticulate
  • Young vs Old
  • Man vs Nature

Basically Lévi - Strauss's theory is that the conflict is based around the binary opposites and that the binary opposites are the central climax of a narrative structure.
A film in which this would apply to is: Avatar

Avatar is an example of Binary opposites because not only is it Good vs Evil it is also Technology vs Native because there are the marines/commandos vs the Navi only there native planet and this is what the film is based around, the conflict between the two opposites.
From doing this research I have learnt that a lot of films in which we watch the plots are based around two opposites fighting against each other.